Results of an independent retail egg quality survey showed that through a 45-day storage period, Khan Eggs Best Eggs earned a superior Grade AA in comparison to Grade A for ordinary eggs. This means that Khan Eggs Best Eggs maintained the quality attributes characteristic of a fresh egg longer than regular eggs. Simply stated, Khan Eggs Best Eggs stay fresher longer.
The Khan Eggs Best limited survey confirms the quality observed during the Pak National Retail Egg Quality Survey. For further details, see: Market survey of quality and freshness of eggs produced under an enhanced hen nutrition and egg production program.
At the Farm: Hen Feed Testing
To ensure that all Khan Eggs Best hens receive the same high-quality feed, all Khan Eggs Best producers submit samples each month of their Khan Eggs Best hen feed to be evaluated in our laboratory for consistency, quality, and nutritional value.
At the Store: Product Testing
We retain an independent auditing firm to randomly visit supermarkets around the country to evaluate the quality of Khan Eggs Best Eggs. Eggs are collected from retail shelves and sent to an outside laboratory for evaluation. This testing is continuous throughout the year, with 3 independent laboratories confirming the results.